
Monday, April 16, 2018

My cocks protect me against evil

Skhumbuzo Zwane says he wouldn’t sell his favourite roosters for anything.
SKHUMBUZO Zwane is proud of his two cocks.

The 40-year-old man from Sun City in Ermelo, Mpumalanga said the birds protect him from thugs and against evil.

“They also guard my other chickens. They are brave,” said the man who owns more than 30 chickens.

“I usually release them to move around freely and they often go to my neighbours’ yards.”

He said the cocks are clever and teach other chickens not to ruin his neighbours’ gardens.

“It’s interesting to see how protective they are.”

He told Daily Sun he owns two other roosters.

“But they are not so brave and big as these two.”

He has built a chicken run in his yard.

Skhumbuzo said he doesn’t breed chickens to slaughter and cook.

“I breed chickens to make money.

“I have many customers in the kasi, especially sangomas.

“They often buy chickens to heal their patients.

“Most people buy chickens because the meat tastes better than the frozen one sold at supermarkets,” he told the People’s Paper.

But he said he wouldn’t sell his favourites.

“I love these cocks because they protect me all the time.

“They are my security guards and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

“People in the kasi know that I’m safe when these birds are around.”


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