
Saturday, October 28, 2017

Why sexual consent needs a clear definition

The recent acquittal of filmmaker Mahmood Farooqui by the Delhi high court from rape charges has led to more confusion on the issue of consent. Despite finding the survivor a sterling witness, the court acquitted Farooqui on the basis that in "situations where parties are known to each other, or are persons of letters and are intellectually or academically proficient, and if, in the past, there have been physical contacts between them, it would be really difficult to decipher whether little or no resistance and a feeble `no' was actually a denial of consent".
Such reasoning reinforces a myth that all educated women will be bold enough to say 'no' unequivocally during acquaintance rape. The judgment has also created an unreasonable classification of survivors by holding that if parties are "conservative, not exposed to the various ways and systems of the world," mere reluctance would amount to negation of any consent.
The survivor, a US-based student knew Farooqui well and on the day of the incident finding him distraught, had hugged him as a measure of comfort. Subsequently he allegedly raped her.After the assault, she sent him an e-mail stating that while she respected him a lot, he became forceful towards her. Farooqui apologised by email but took a defence that he had read only the first few lines of her mail as he was busy and the apology should be seen only in that context.Clearly an afterthought if there was one.
The survivor said she feared for her life and thus faked her behaviour during the assault. This is called conditional compliance in some jurisdictions such as Canada, where the survivor does not resist the advances of the accused as she finds herself powerless against the latter. This concept diminishes the theory that the survivor did not raise any objection and the accused can therefore infer that she consented to sex. In Farooqui's case the non-communication of the fear in her mind to the accused has been a crucial factor in giving the benefit of doubt to him.
In urban cities like Chennai, many women forge friendships and relationships with their colleagues and classmates. Sexual assaults in situations where there is a friendship or a relationship make it very difficult for women to complain. Such lack of protest is often seen by the perpetrator as consensual behaviour, complicating the understanding of consent.
Thereafter, myths are spun around the offence. It is assumed that a woman who comes on a date is willing for a physical relationship, women mean yes even when they say no, any woman can successfully resist a sexual assault and silence amounts to consent.
With the recommendations of the Verma Committee, consent was redefined as an unequivocal voluntary agreement where a woman by words, gestures or verbal or non-verbal communication shows willingness to participate in a sexual act. But the understanding of communication still remains a problem.
The judgement also discusses the mental state of Farooqui who claimed he was having bipolar disorder though no evidence was let in this regard. It concludes, "But, it remains in doubt as to whether such an incident, as has been narrated by the prosecutrix, took place and if at all it had taken place, it was without the consent will of the prosecutrix and if it was without the consent of the prosecutrix, whether the appellant could discern/understand the same."
Such a reasoning which considers passive submission as consent is defined by male behavioural standards. There is an impressive development of laws in Australia and Hong Kong that make "recklessness" in rape cases an offence.Under these laws, recklessness refers to a situation where the accused despite knowing that the woman has not consented, goes ahead with the sexual act. Unless there are creative interpretations that understand a woman's experience in such situations the concept of consent will continue to be problematic.


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